A. The cost of hotel accommodations will be reimbursed on the basis of original hotel folio receipts. Only the cost incurred for a single room rate will be reimbursed to the employee. Any overage above the single rate will be the personal responsibility of that employee.
Hotel reservations should also ensure that the rates are reasonable and appropriate for the area. Travelers should also utilize state government or corporate rates when available, providing they are less expensive.
Any representative of this university, on travel status, should not request reimbursement for any amount(s) not spent. Nor should any employee ask for reimbursement of a meal (s) not consumed or for any meal included with a registration fee.
Foreign travel is reimbursed at actual cost with original receipts or at the applicable rate without receipts. The USM Board of Regents will review these rates biennially.
Work-related small miscellaneous expenses such as parking fees, tolls, small supplies, and the like are reimbursable. Original receipts will be required for all miscellaneous reimbursements. An expense account, along with all original receipts, should be filed for any type of reimbursement in excess of $5.00. For some reimbursements less than $30.00, simply present your original receipt (and in some cases a signed expense account) with the department head's signature, and department and account code, to the Cashier's Office for immediate reimbursement. Remember, this type of reimbursement does not include any type of out-of state travel expense, telephone calls, or food items.
Porter and bell person baggage handling fees will be reimbursed at the rate of $1.00 per bag for a reasonable number of bags (no receipt necessary but a personal certification will be required).
Institutional funds may not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages or additional flight insurance.